2 Pixel Jet Fighters

Place this url where you'd like the game to appear


Place this iframe code where you'd like the game to appear on games portal

<iframe class="game" id="game_frame" src="https://play.indiatodaygaming.com/game/2-pixel-jet-fighters" width="600" height="600"></iframe>

2 Pixel Jet Fighters


About 2 Pixel Jet Fighters game !

You control two jet fighters in this game, simultaneously! Your jets will shoot automatically and you just have to move them to dodge obstacles and destroy enemies! If either one of your jets is destroyed, you will lose. Challenge yourself and be the best jet fighter in town!

Game Play

2 Pixel Jet Fighters


Place this url where you'd like the game to appear


Place this iframe code where you'd like the game to appear on games portal

<iframe class="game" id="game_frame" src="https://play.indiatodaygaming.com/game/2-pixel-jet-fighters" width="600" height="600"></iframe>